Stress is very harmful to our brains and physical health. However, almost everyone is leading a stressful lifestyle or at least goes through some stressful annoyances throughout the day. They could be very minor like being stuck in traffic or serious like having a family member struggle with cancer. No matter how much stress you are handling, there are always some techniques that will help you alleviate it and improve your mental situation. In this article, we are sharing with you 5 techniques you can benefit from to reduce your stress.
This is a simple, yet very powerful technique to help you relax. It is also known and belly or abdominal breathing and consists of taking slow, long, and deep breaths. This type of breathing helps your mind to gently get rid of negative sensations and feelings. It can be extra helpful for those who have eating disorders, as it helps them focus on the actual needs of their bodies in a more positive and uplifting way. However, for people with breathing difficulties (for example, heart failures and respiratory illnesses) breath focus might not feel as effective.
This technique is a mix of the previous technique, with progressive muscle relaxation. After practicing breath focus for a few minutes, shift your focus to a group of muscles or one body part and work on releasing mentally and physically any tension you feel there. Go from one part of your body to the other until you have released all the tension in your body. Body scan is a good technique that you can refer to, to become more aware of the connection between your mind and your body.
This technique is about thinking or imagining something (experiences, places, or scenes) in your mind that are relaxing. This can help you feel soothed and focused. Also, you can use the help of the internet to find free apps where you can browse calming scenes of personal significance. Guided imagery is useful to boost your positive vision of yourself. However, for people having intrusive thoughts, this technique is not always recommended.
Meditation is very important for your brain. Meditation involves sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on breathing, shifting the mind’s attention to what is happening at the moment rather than what happened in the past, or worrying about the future. It is very helpful as well for people suffering from anxiety, depression or any other mental issues.
Yoga, tai chi, and qigong are three ancient arts that combine a series of postures or movements with rhythmic breathing. This combination of techniques gives you mental focus which helps you stay away from racing and negative thoughts. They can also boost your balance and flexibility. However, some people are not fit for this technique and these are; people who have health problems, are not active or have a disability, as these can be too challenging.